Health, Safety and Welfare Information for participants on Outdoor Events
Please read this information carefully.
We look forward to welcoming you on our Outdoor Events!
Booking and Cancellation
The list of Outdoor Events (Field Meetings) can be found on the Programme Card enclosed
with the Winter copy of The Harrier - and also on the SBG website.
Prior booking for most of these events is not necessary and you should assemble at the
time and meeting place described on the Programme Card.
Booking is required for certain events with restrictions on numbers or with other particular
circumstances. You are asked to contact either the Leader or the Outdoor Events
Organiser beforehand. Those meetings requiring pre-booking are clearly indicated on the
Programme Card, along with relevant phone numbers.
Please Note. If the weather forecast for the day of the event appears particularly poor and
potentially unsafe, the Leader reserves the right to cancel the event. If you think this is
likely to happen, you should contact the Leader by phone the evening before to check
whether or not the event will be run.
SBG Outdoor Events are generally led by one or more of our members working in an
amateur capacity, on behalf of members.
Young people are very welcome to attend, but those under 18 must be accompanied by a
parent or guardian - or a responsible adult well known to the young person, who formally
assumes responsibility for them.
Dogs, except guide dogs, are not permitted to accompany you.
Our Preparation for an Event
Leaders will be familiar with the routes to be taken and will consider the relevant documented Risk
The main safety issues in relation to the event will be shared with you at the start and may
be revised if conditions change significantly.
Your Preparation for an Event
Please take sensible precautions to ensure your own safety and that of others attending
Do not attempt a walk unless you are fit and able to do so. Walks often cover several miles
and you must expect at least the kind of hazards occasionally encountered on public
footpaths in the countryside of lowland England.
Wear appropriate clothing, weatherproof clothing and footwear. Walking boots or at least
stout shoes are a minimum footwear requirement for all walks.
Be aware of forecast weather conditions and come appropriately prepared for hot, dry
days (sunhats, sunscreen etc), as well as cold, wet ones (weatherproofs, hats, gloves etc).
In many areas, ticks are present as potential vectors of Lyme Disease. To minimise the risk
of exposure, you are strongly advised to wear long shirtsleeves and long trousers and tuck
the bottoms into your socks. You should undertake a personal check for any ticks on
returning home and remove them immediately using a ‘tick hook’.
Ensure your tetanus vaccination is up to date. Keep all sores and wounds covered.
You should not assume that contact to emergency services will be immediately available,
as meetings may take place out of mobile phone range.​
Bring your own picnic lunch and drink(s), plus your own wipes or water to clean your hands
before eating and drinking.
Taking Care during an Event
It is expected that you will make every effort to draw the Leader’s attention to any
member of the group in distress.
Take sensible precautions to avoid natural hazards. Stay away from the top or base of cliffs
and water edges, particularly where there are sloping banks etc.
Avoid skin contact with water.
Where a walk includes a section of public highway, follow the Highway Code
recommendations to pedestrians.
Toilets and other personal facilities may not available during a walk, but the Leader will be
aware of the location of those nearest to the route.
If you decide to leave an event early, you must advise the Leader of your departure from
the group.
First Aid
It is not a requirement for a Leader to be a qualified first aider or to be expected to
administer first aid.
You should carry your own portable first aid kit and any personal medication for your own
Unless otherwise arranged by the Leader, you should make your own way to and from the
meeting point for the event.
It is sometimes necessary to move between sites by vehicle during an event. In instances
where participants do not have a vehicle of their own, there is normally somebody with a
spare seat who is willing to convey them. In these circumstances, such travel
arrangements take place solely by agreement between the driver and potential passenger.