January 2025 Sightings
January 3rd
Carlton Marsh: three Cattle Egrets in to roost plus a Short-eared Owl and three Woodcocks.
Oulton Marsh: c.120 Pink-footed Goose flew north at dusk.
Kessingland: the Shore Lark still on the beach in front of the last caravan to the south.
Sotterley: a Hawfinch in trees by the lake.
Wangford: three Cattle Egrets still in field opposite to entrance of Henham quarry.
Walberswick: 35+ Snow Buntings along the beach by the shore pools.
Minsmere: a Pink-footed Goose flew inland. Purple Sandpiper and a Water Pipit on West Scrape.
Thorpeness: the drake RING-NECKED DUCK again on the Meare. From the OCP, two Velvet Scoters offshore plus the two Tundra Bean Geese again on the arable field to the north.
North Warren: three Cranes flew north over the reserve plus a Merlin.
Botany Marsh: the HOODED CROW still present.
Orfordness: 30+ Snow Buntings on the shingle viewed from Hollesley river wall.
Boyton Marsh: at least one Pink-footed Goose and two Cattle Egrets.
Hollesley Marsh: c.10 Snow Buntings on the Hollesley side of the river. Four Cattle Egrets in front of Warren Hill.
Bawdsey Quay: a juvenile Puffin up river.
Falkenham: two Jack Snipe and a Brambling in game crop.
Wherstead Strand: the Black-throated Diver up river from the Orwell Bridge.
Witnesham: two Ravens between Witnesham and Henley.
Lakenheath Fen: a Goshawk over Hockwold Washes.
January 2nd
Kessingland: the Shore Lark still on the beach in front of the last caravan to the south.
Benacre: six Whooper Swans on the Broad.
Covehithe: two Scaup on Covehithe Broad.
Sotterley: a Hawfinch by the church.
Minsmere: a Purple Sandpiper and a Water Pipit on East Scrape, two Whooper Swans on West Scrape.
Thorpeness: the drake RING-NECKED DUCK again on the Meare plus eight Goosanders. From the OCP, seven Velvet Scoters offshore plus the two Tundra Bean Geese again on the arable field to the north - they did fly south to North Warren but returned later.
North Warren: the two Tundra Bean Geese briefly with Eurasian White-fronted Geese, plus a ringtail Hen Harrier over South Marsh.
Botany Marsh: the HOODED CROW still present.
Orfordness: 30+ Snow Buntings on the shingle viewed from Hollesley river wall.
Boyton Marsh: two Pink-footed Geese and two Cattle Egrets.
Kirton Creek: two Whooper Swans between Kirton Creek and Falkenham Marshes.
Wherstead Strand: the Black-throated Diver and a Shag on the River Orwell.
Holbrook: a Slavonian Grebe on the River Stour.
January 1st
Breydon South Wall: two Glossy Ibises this afternoon.
Wangford: five Cattle Egrets still in field opposite to entrance of Henham quarry.
Dunwich: 15 Snow Buntings on the shingle ridge north of the beach car park.
Minsmere: two Whooper Swans, a Caspian Gull on East Scrape plus a Purple Sandpiper on West Scrape.
Thorpeness: the drake RING-NECKED DUCK again on the Meare. From the OCP, six Velvet Scoters offshore plus the two Tundra Bean Geese again on the arable field to the north.
Botany Marsh: the HOODED CROW still present.
Orfordness: 35 Snow Buntings on the shingle viewed from Hollesley river wall.
Boyton Marsh: 40+ Eurasian White-fronted Geese.
Hollesley Marsh: two first-winter Caspian Gulls.
Landguard: a Merlin flew south.
Wherstead Strand: the Black-throated Diver on the River Orwell just down from the Orwell Bridge.
Stour Estuary: two Black-necked Grebes reportedly flew up river from Stutton Ness.