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October 2024 Sightings

October 16th

Breydon: the AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER on Breydon South Flats.

Kessingland: up to six Shore Larks now present on shingle opposite the last caravan.

Benacre: the Whooper Swan still on the Broad. A Ring Ouzel on the track south of Beach Farm.

Minsmere: a Firecrest in the Sluice Bushes.

Thorpeness: an Osprey at the Meare. Two Firecrests by the allotments.

Orford: a Firecrest just west of the Castle.

Shingle Street: a Yellow-browed Warbler and two Firecrests by the allotments.

Bawdsey: a Merlin and a Yellow-browed Warbler calling from the first shelter belt south of the Martello Tower at East Lane. Two Firecrests at Bawdsey MOD.

Witnesham: two Ravens.

Lackford Lakes: a Slavonian Grebe on the sailing lake.


October 15th

Breydon: a moulting adult AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER on Breydon South Flats.

Kessingland: the four Shore Larks still present on shingle opposite the last caravan.

Benacre: a Leach's Petrel north and a Whooper Swan on the Broad.

Southwold: two Yellow-browed Warblers in the south-east corner of the churchyard plus a Firecrest.

Minsmere: a Firecrest in the North Bushes.


Orford: two Ring Ouzels.

Shingle Street: a Ring Ouzel in bushes behind the allotments.

Landguard: a Sooty Shearwater north offshore.


October 14th

Kessingland: the four Shore Larks still present on shingle opposite the last caravan.

Thorpeness: an Osprey at the Meare late afternoon before flying off.

Hollesley Marsh: Merlin flew across the river.

Bawdsey Quay: a Firecrest in the picnic area car park.


October 13th

Hopton: a Yellow-browed Warbler at Warren Road.

Kessingland: four Shore Larks now present on shingle in front of the caravan park.

Sizewell: an Arctic Tern and three Little Gulls by the outfall.

Thorpeness: two Ospreys at the Meare.

Slaughden: a Short-eared Owl over Sudbourne Marshes and a Merlin over Lantern Marshes.

Shingle Street: a Yellow-browed Warbler at the allotments.

Bawdsey: a Whooper Swan at East Lane near the occupied Martello Tower to the north.

Bawdsey Quay: two Firecrests in the picnic area car park.

Felixstowe: a Short-eared Owl in off at Brackenbury Cliffs.

Lackford Lakes: a Slavonian Grebe on Hawker Pool.


October 12th

Kessingland: the Shore Lark still present on shingle in front of the caravan park.

Dunwich: an ORTOLAN BUNTING flew south along the beach calling then continued over the village.

Minsmere: a Little Stint on West Scrape, a Mandarin on South Scrape, a Purple Sandpiper on the sluice and a Yellow-browed Warbler with a tit flock along the Rhododendron Tunnel.

Thorpeness: one of the Ospreys still at the Meare. A Merlin over the old caravan park.

Hollesley Marsh: Merlin on the pill box.

October 11th

Kessingland: the Shore Lark still present on shingle in front of the caravan park.

Southwold: a Yellow-browed Warbler still in the churchyard.

Minsmere: a GREEN-WINGED TEAL, a Caspian Gull and a Little Stint on East Scrape.

Thorpeness: one of the Ospreys still at the Meare.

Alde Estuary: a Black-throated Diver along the river by Aldeburgh Marsh.

Bawdsey: a Merlin hunting at East Lane.

Ipswich: a Firecrest in Holywells Park.

Lakenheath Fen: the Yellow-browed Warbler again by the visitor centre.


October 10th

Kessingland: the Shore Lark still present on shingle in front of the caravan park.

Thorpeness: one of the Ospreys still at the Meare.

Boyton Marsh: a female Merlin, a Whinchat and a Short-eared Owl.

Hollesley Marsh: a probable Red-breasted Flycatcher seen briefly in scrub by the pill box on the river wall.


October 9th

Kessingland: the Shore Lark still present.

Southwold: a Yellow-browed Warbler still in the churchyard.

Sizewell: three Arctic Terns and three Little Gulls.

Thorpeness: two Ospreys at the Meare. A Yellow-browed Warbler by the allotments.

Boyton Marsh: a female Merlin plus a Whinchat.

Shingle Street: a Yellow-browed Warbler at the allotments.

Lakenheath Fen: the Yellow-browed Warbler again by the visitor centre.


October 8th

Kessingland: the Shore Lark again on the beach south of the caravan park.

Minsmere: a SERIN photographed on the reserve.

Thorpeness: the Osprey still at the Meare. A Yellow-browed Warbler by the allotments.

Landguard: a Yellow-browed Warbler in the compound behind the kitchen.

Pin Mill: a Firecrest among a mixed feeding flock in Pin Mill Woods.

Lakenheath Fen: the Yellow-browed Warbler again by the visitor centre.


October 7th

Kessingland: the Shore Lark again on the beach south of the caravan park.

Southwold: a Yellow-browed Warbler still in the churchyard.

Dunwich: two Shore Larks on the shingle ridge near the car park.

Thorpeness: at times two Ospreys still at the Meare. A Yellow-browed Warbler north of the allotments.

North Warren: an Osprey across from the viewpoint.

Shingle Street: a Yellow-browed Warbler at the allotments and a Whinchat near the tennis court.

Martlesham: Whinchat at Martlesham Creek.

Lakenheath Fen: a Yellow-browed Warbler by the visitor centre.

Mildenhall: a Yellow-browed Warbler in a garden.


October 6th

Kessingland: a Shore Lark on Kessingland beach.

Southwold: a BLYTH'S REED WARBLER in a Blackthorn clump west of the campsite. A Yellow-browed Warbler still in the churchyard.

Sizewell: an Arctic Tern, eight Little Gulls and a Caspian Gull.

Thorpeness: two Ospreys present at the Meare.

Aldeburgh Marsh: a ringtail Hen Harrier flew south across the river.

Orfordness: five Whinchats and a male Merlin.

Great Finborough: Short-eared Owl along Jack's Lane near Boyton Hall.

Santon Downham: Wryneck 1.5m south south-east of Santon Downham at High Lodge, flushed from a trail.


October 5th

Corton: a Yellow-browed Warbler at the northern end of Corton Wood.

Southwold: two Yellow-browed Warblers in the churchyard.

Thorpeness: the Osprey still at the Meare. A Yellow-browed Warbler by the allotments.

Havergate Island: Yellow-browed Warbler by the main hide.

Trimley Marsh: both LITTLE BUNTING and RUSTIC BUNTING trapped and ringed at the reserve. A Cattle Egret behind reservoir hide.


October 4th

Corton: an OLIVE-BACKED PIPIT at the old sewage works.

Kessingland: a Yellow-browed Warbler ringed at the sewage works.

Southwold: the PALLAS'S WARBLER again in the churchyard plus Firecrest, a Pied Flycatcher and three Yellow-browed Warblers. Four Purple Sandpipers on groynes north of the pier.

Reydon: Yellow-browed Warbler at the Smere.

Blythburgh: Yellow-browed Warbler south of the estuary in Deadman's Covert.

Westleton: Yellow-browed Warbler in the south-east corner of the heath.

Aldringham Walks: two Whooper Swans over and a Brambling in scrub.

Thorpeness: two Yellow-browed Warblers by the allotments. AOsprey fishing at the Meare.

Aldeburgh: a possible PALLAS'S WARBLER in the cemetery.

Orford: Yellow-browed Warblers west of the Castle and in the churchyard.

Landguard: a Yellow-browed Warbler in the compound.


October 3rd

Gunton: a possible eastern race Lesser Whitethroat at the west side of the old railway line, 200m from the tunnel.

Southwold: a Yellow-browed Warbler and Pied Flycatcher at the churchyard, with PALLAS'S WARBLER and Yellow-browed Warbler just north of the church. A 1CY Caspian Gull at the harbour.

Dunwich: a Yellow-browed Warbler at the heath by the pond dipping platform.

Thorpeness: an Osprey reported at the Meare. A Snow Bunting on the beach, close to the outfall notice.

Aldeburgh: a Yellow-browed Warbler in scrub at the eastern end of Church Farm Road.

Orford: a Yellow-browed Warbler along the track to the sewage works.

Shingle Street: a Yellow-browed Warbler at the allotments and a Whinchat near the tennis court.


October 2nd

Corton: a first-winter Caspian Gull in a field by the old sewage works.

Gunton: a Yellow-browed Warbler at Dip Farm, between the Kiosk and the bridge.

Southwold: four Sooty Shearwaters north and a Pomarine Skua south.

Minsmere: up to 20 Sooty Shearwaters offshore plus an immature Long-tailed Skua south. A Little Stint on East Scrape and a Yellow-browed Warbler in the sluice bushes.

Thorpeness: Sooty Shearwater north.

Hollesley Marsh: Ring Ouzel present.


October 1st

Lowestoft: a Great Northern Diver north offshore.

Minsmere: a Little Stint on East Scrape and a Yellow-browed Warbler in the sluice bushes.

Slaughden: a Black-throated Diver on the sea, drifting north.​

September 5th

Lowestoft: a Sooty Shearwater north past North Beach and a SABINE'S GULL north past Ness Point.

Southwold: both a Velvet Scoter and a Sooty Shearwater heading north offshore

Blythburgh: 16 Spoonbills from the A12 bridge.

Minsmere: a Redstart south of the sluice towards Sizewell, a RED-BACKED SHRIKE on the Chapel fields and two Curlew Sandpipers on South Scrape.

Thorpeness: three Manx Shearwaters, two Sooty Shearwaters and six Little Gulls offshore.

Bawdsey: two Sooty Shearwaters north off East Lane.

Landguard: the DOTTEREL still present, plus a Pied Flycatcher ringed, a Whinchat and a Purple Sandpiper on the Point.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON still on Gifford's Flash.


September 4th

Carlton Marshes: PURPLE HERON reported.

Benacre: a Raven near Beach Farm.

Covehithe: a dark Fulmar flew south close in.

Hen Reedbeds: an Osprey on the Blyth.

Thorpeness: two Whinchats on the cliff top, north of the old caravan park.

Boyton Marsh: Whinchat on

Bawdsey: a Sooty Shearwater south off East Lane.

Landguard: a Wryneck in the beach bushes opposite Icky Ridge, a DOTTEREL and a Redstart.

Manningtree: two Spoonbills east of the railway bridge, on the Stour mudflats.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON still on Gifford's Flash.


September 3rd

Lowestoft: Little Gull at Ness Point and a Redstart in the north-east corner of the Bird's-eye factory.

Benacre: a Redstart and a Whinchat in the Benacre Pit area.

Hen Reedbeds: two Ospreys on the Blyth.

Minsmere: a Black Tern roosting on South Scrape.

Aldringham Walks: Pied Flycatchers and Whinchat noted

North Warren: 7+ Pied Flycatchers and an eclipse male Garganey.

Boyton Marsh: a female Merlin on the scrape.

Shingle Street: three Whinchats still around today.

Upper Hollesley Common: a Whinchat.

Landguard: two Redstarts and a Purple Sandpiper on the point. Two Tree Pipits; one on the beach and one in the ringing compound.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON still on Gifford's Flash, but elusive.


September 2nd

Lowestoft: 7+ Pied Flycatchers and two Redstarts around between Battery Green roundabout and Mariners Score.

Benacre: a Redstart south of Beach Farm and a Whinchat north of the sluice.

Hen Reedbeds: an Osprey again on the Blyth and seven Spoonbills.

Thorpeness: a Pied Flycatcher at the old caravan park, a Sooty Shearwater flew north plus 20 Little Gulls.

Dunwich: a Black Tern off the coastguard cottages.

Landguard: both Wryneck and Wood Warbler ringed at LBO.

Shelley: the juvenile PURPLE HERON still on Gifford's Flash.


September 1st

Gorleston: 2CY Caspian Gull on the beach.

Corton: an Sooty Shearwater south (at 09:20). Common Redstart at the Radar Lodge.

Gunton: a Pied Flycatcher along the disused rail track near the bridge.

Lowestoft: two Sooty Shearwaters (one north at 06:34, one north at 07:10).

Benacre: a Leach's Petrel north (at 10:16), two Whinchats on the approach road to Beach Farm and a Tree Pipit south over Beach Farm plus three Common Redstarts.

Covehithe: two Sooty Shearwater (one north at 07:30, one north at 07:50) plus five Arctic Skuas south.

Southwold: a Manx Shearwater north (at 06:38), a Leach's Petrel north (08:35 to 08:40) and a Great Skua south (at 09:30). Two Caspian Gulls by the harbour and two Common Redstarts on the driving range.

Reydon: a Whinchat and a Pied Flycatcher along the footpath between Reydon and Easton Bavents.

Hen Reedbeds: an Osprey again on the Blyth and 12 Spoonbills.

Minsmere: a Garganey on the scrape.

Aldringham Walks: a Common Redstart and a Pied Flycatcher.

Thorpeness: two Long-tailed Skuas and five Arctic Skuas and a Sooty Shearwater north.

Hazlewood Marsh: an Osprey present, 11 Spoonbills and a juvenile Curlew Sandpiper.

Orford: one HONEY BUZZARD east over the church and one east of the quay.

Havergate Island: an AMERICAN/PACIFIC GOLDEN PLOVER flew north over Dovey's.

Shingle Street: a Whinchat on telegraph wires and a Tree Pipit.

Felixstowe: a juvenile Tree Sparrow on feeders at Suffolk Sands holiday park.

Raydon: a Whinchat on the disused railway.

Shelley: a juvenile PURPLE HERON on Gifford's Flash.

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