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SBG Bursary Fund


Suffolk Bird Group currently maintains a Bursary Fund designed to support small-scale projects within the county.  Subject to sufficient finance being available, grants of up to £500 can be awarded to projects that in the opinion of Council meet the award criteria.   The form in the link below must be used for all applications.






Award Criteria 


  • Projects must have a focus on birds and be based in Suffolk 

    • defined as either the administrative county or Watsonian vice-counties 25 and 26

  • Project aims, objectives and expected outcomes must contribute to the knowledge and understanding of:

    • either: an individual bird species or a habitat supporting a recognised bird community

    • or: the conservation of an individual bird species or habitat

    • or: a combination of the above

  • Research on Red List species, Priority Species or Priority Habitats is particularly encouraged

  • Projects minimising the carbon footprint of the research work will also be viewed favourably 


  • Awards can cover the full costs of the project or contribute to match funding sought or obtained from other sources


  • Claims may be made for some of or all the following:

    • Field equipment and materials specific to the outdoor elements of the project

    • Transport to and from the project site or sites (up to a maximum of 50% of the total award)

      • Current mileage rate is 45p per mile - this will be reviewed from time to time to remain in line with rates offered by other conservation charities

    • Other materials specific to the completion of the final report

  • Applicants are expected to act as volunteers, so claims for research time are not admissible

  • Receipts for any purchases and lists of any journeys made should be retained


  • Projects are to be completed to an agreed timescale of between 1 and 5 years. 

  • If a project is designed to run over several years, Council may opt to disburse interim annual part-payments up to the total amount awarded 

    • In this case a brief summary of progress (no more than 1 side of A4) will be requested to unlock additional payments  

  • On completion, a written summary of the project and its outcomes should be submitted to Council, who will consider it for publication in either The Harrier or Suffolk Bird Report, whichever is more appropriate

  • In the event a project fails to show progress or be completed, Council reserves the right to withhold part-payment or require repayment of some or all the grant awarded

Suffolk Bird Group (Charity Number: 801446)
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